Values based Education



 Values are principles that guide our thinking and behaviour.

 What appears to be missing from many communities such as schools, families and businesses is a shared common vocabulary, based on universal positive human values, which can provide a sense of direction and vision about how to create a flourishing society.   (Dr Neil Hawkes 2014)

 The Values based Education (VbE) work here at Haddenham Community Junior School aims to achieve exactly that ...create a flourishing school community.  It provides a framework for enabling our pupils to become thinking, self-responsible and caring citizens. VbE  is a collaborative approach that encourages self-responsibility and positive relationships. At HCJS it is our aim to raise standards by promoting a school ethos which is underpinned by core values. These values support the development of the whole child as a reflective learner within a calm, caring, happy and purposeful atmosphere.

 Values are principles that guide behaviour. At HCJS, adults are encouraged to model values and to give time for reflective practices. We believe that this empowers individuals to be effective learners and good citizens.


 Our Values

We have four core school values that will guide children's choices, behaviour and learning.  These values are the basis of all our other values teaching and will help children understand that all the values we teach and promote are interconnected.

 Our core values are:

  • Respect
  • Resilience
  • Empathy
  • Reflection


Our Ethical Vocabulary

 Each core value is linked to a number of other values (19 in total). We take one each month, continuing until all are covered, at which point we start again. Each value is introduced to the students in a variety of ways, repetitively through the whole of the school system. Typically, they will be integrated within assemblies, lessons, art, exercise, playtime, prize giving. Posters will be drawn and put on walls and the entrances. The key messages are explicit and continually reinforced throughout the month. Through this process, the students (and adults) establish what we refer to as an Ethical Vocabulary. This vocabulary is key to the creation of  a strong learning environment that enhances academic achievement and develops pupils social and relationship skills that last throughout their lives.