To access any online home learning you will need to click on:
You/Your child will use their emoji badge to log in:
This will have pictures / emojis (similar to those shown here). Each child has a unique set of 6 emojis.
If you do not have your/your child’s emoji badge please contact your class teacher.
What is on MyLogin?
MyLogin is a single-sign-on (SSO) portal that means your child only needs their emoji badge to log on to all the different apps / programmes that we use in school. They will be automatically logged in through this portal and they can easily log out again by clicking the ‘sign out’ button.
They do not need to remember passwords for TT Rockstars, Spelling Shed, Numbots and PurpleMash etc. Just one simple log on will allow them access to all of these (plus more).
Why do we use MyLogin?
Not only does using MyLogin make logging-on simpler but it also brings additional benefits of account security. Children can no longer accidentally stay logged on to a device in school, a simple click of the ‘sign out’ button will secure all their accounts. We will also be able to monitor the children’s work more easily as they will be logged on to each device.
As well as our webfiltering, we run an additional online security programme which monitors children’s online activity. Whenever they use their school account (at home or in school) this programme will operate. It scans pages that the children land on for words / phrases / searches that are deemed to be of a safeguarding concern. It will then take a screenshot of the page. We review these regularly and will make contact with parents / carers should we find anything of concern. We are committed to working together to keep all children safe online.