English : Reading

‘I do believe something magical can happen when you read a book.’   J.K. Rowling


At HCJS, we believe reading is the foundation for success across the curriculum. Proficient readers are far more likely to thrive at school, and we see reading as the key to lifelong learning. Every child should have the opportunity to develop a love for books and reading.

Our approach centers on fostering a love of reading by providing access to diverse, engaging, and thought-provoking texts. Through our libraries, fluent reader books, classroom collections, class readers, guided reading materials and phonics programme we aim to immerse children in literature that enriches their learning and enjoyment.

We are committed to ensuring that HCJS pupils achieve full reading fluency and develop an enduring appreciation for books. Reading is both a vital life skill and a source of joy, and we uphold high expectations across our junior school. Our teachers bring enthusiasm and passion to reading instruction, inspiring children to read for pleasure and lifelong enrichment.


Research highlights the significant benefits of reading aloud to children, a practice we value highly at HCJS. During reading lessons, teachers model effective reading strategies, demonstrating how successful readers question, infer, and engage with texts. Each year group has carefully selected class readers, predominantly novels, some linked to current topics, to enrich learning and foster a love of reading. This not only enhances comprehension but also encourages children to see reading as an enjoyable pastime.

Reading Lessons

Reading lessons range from five per week in Year 3 to three per week in Year 6, each lasting 30 minutes. A class reader, chosen in collaboration with the Reading Lead, ensures an appropriate level, variety, and topic coverage across the school. Lessons focus on:

  • Shared Reading – Teachers model reading for continuity and comprehension.

  • Summarising & Understanding – Pupils review key themes, summarize the story, and clarify misconceptions.

  • Prosody – Teachers model expression and intonation, discussing punctuation and sentence structure.

  • Vocabulary Development – Lessons highlight key words, addressing misconceptions and expanding pupils’ vocabulary.

At HCJS, we believe regular reading at school and home is essential for developing fluency. Once assessed as fluent, children receive individual reading books matched to their ability using Oxford Reading Tree levels. These books provide both challenge and enjoyment.

A Reading Diary strengthens the home-school reading connection, helping parents track progress and encourage a diverse selection of books and authors. Teachers monitor book choices to ensure children experience a broad and enriching reading journey.


Our strong emphasis on reading at HCJS ensures that children leave us with:

  • Confident reading skills to navigate the KS3 curriculum.

  • Advanced comprehension and vocabulary development.

  • High engagement with the books they read.

  • The ability to read across subjects, enhancing overall learning.

  • A lifelong love of reading for pleasure.


Throughout their four years at HCJS, pupils enjoy diverse experiences that enrich their reading journey. These include educational visits, themed events with guest speakers, and ‘Buddy Reading’ sessions with older students. Each child visits the village library at least once a year and has access to our two well-stocked school libraries and dedicated reading spaces.

Our partnership with Chiltern Bookshops allows us to host book fairs and welcome award-winning authors, inspiring children and deepening their appreciation of literature. These experiences foster excitement and a lasting passion for reading.