
"The scientist is not the person who gives the right answers, they are the ones who ask the right questions." - Claude Levi-Strauss


Science at Haddenham Community Junior School enables exciting and practical opportunities for children to learn about the world around them. We value the importance of science and scientific enquiry.

We adhere to the aims of the national curriculum and foster a healthy curiosity and interest in the sciences. Children love a chance to learn by being hands-on. We encourage children to ask questions out of curiosity, for example, how does our body function? How does it rain? 

At the heart of our progressive science curriculum is scientific investigation. Learning to think logically and solve problems links Science to other core subjects such as Maths and Computing. Children can investigate problems and use their enquiry skills and technological resources to find out how things work. We ensure that the Working Scientifically skills are built-on and developed throughout children’s time at the school so that they can apply their knowledge of science when using equipment, conducting experiments and investigations, building arguments and explaining concepts confidently, being familiar with scientific terminology and, most importantly, to continue to ask questions and be curious about their surroundings.

We also link our science learning with Learning Outside the Classroom. Finding out how to conserve Natural Resources. All aspects of the environment have a deep impact on our lives and the children learn about conservation as well as survival skills and healthy living.

Throughout the programmes of study, the children will acquire and develop the key knowledge that has been identified within each unit and across each year groups, as well as the application of scientific skills.

We hope to inspire them to have a love of STEM and see the potential careers it could lead them to in the future.



The acquisition of key scientific knowledge is an integral part of our science lessons. Our science is taught, where possible, within a larger topic to encourage children to link Science to the wider World which enables them to learn and retain the important, useful and powerful vocabulary and knowledge contained within each unit.

Teachers use a variety of stimulating material including videos and practical demonstrations to bring Science to life and the children are encouraged to be hands-on themselves. We often teach outside of the classroom and have a dedicated STEM room too.

When planning Science we map out the progression of skills for working scientifically and these are built upon through the year groups. Scientific enquiry skills are linked across maths, geography, DT and computing with children being given an opportunity to hone their skills through questioning and observation. Short additional sessions each week focus on questioning and observing through spotting the ‘odd one out’, discussions about the daily news, ‘what happens next?’ videos and ‘zoom in, zoom out’ activities.

The use of data loggers and other technology across subjects provides opportunities for the children to enquire, predict and test across a variety of subjects.

Teachers create a positive environment in their classrooms and have high expectations of the children. Children are engaged and have fun. 

We have a whole school approach to teaching and learning science. 

  • Science is taught and planned in each year group to achieve the national curriculum objectives.

  • Our strategy is to enable all children to access science, adaptations are made if needed.

  • We actively encourage children to ask interesting questions and seek to understand more. Why? How? 

  • We develop their understanding of an investigation and how to plan a fair test through the use of ‘post-it note’ planning which builds each year until Year 6 when children are expected to be able to plan a test independently.

  • Children can explain why they are doing an experiment and link it with the wider world.

  • Our curriculum is progressive and builds upon prior learning. Each lesson checks on the previous learning and mis-conceptions are addressed.

  • We promote and build Science Capital within the school through school trips, assemblies, competitions and careers events including a Science Week.


The successful approach to the teaching of science at Haddenham Community Junior School results in fun, engaging, high quality science education. Inspired to continue science through secondary school and give consideration to potential career opportunities, children will have the foundations for understanding the world around them and a thirst to know more. 

We use Pupil Voice surveys to improve our teaching and learning experiences for the children and assessment to inform teachers judgements of how the children are doing. Assessment is teacher based and formed using formal strategies (eg quizzes) and informal strategies (use of concept cartoons, verbal/written outcomes, reflection tasks / presentations).