Our Governing Board

The Haddenham Community Schools Governing Board


Who we are & what we do.

Haddenham Community Junior School is part of a federation with Haddenham Community Infant School.  This means that the same board works across both schools.  The board is composed of staff, parents and representatives of the local authority and our community.

Our remit as governors is to work as a team with the Headteachers to provide strategic management for both schools. The governing board sets the school's aims and objectives with a view to promoting high standards of education and achievement.

The whole Governing Board meets formally  once every term and additionally when required. Each of the following sub-committees meets at least once a term.

The Finance, Premises and Health & Safety Committee prepares the annual financial plan and regularly reviews the condition of the school buildings. 

The Curriculum Committee advises on all matters relating to the curriculum, working with staff to review and revise teaching policies. It tracks the school performance: monitoring achievements against targets that have been set. 

The Pay & Personnel Committee considers the staffing of the school and agrees any pay related changes.


If you would like to get in contact with any of our Governors please email:


Mrs Hilary Conboy

Co-chair of the Governing Board

Hilary is one of our Co-chairs, she is currently also the Early Years Governor and a member of the Curriculum and Pay & Personnel Committees.

Other responsibilities: Headteacher's Performance Management and Safer Recruitment trained.

Mrs Karen Sweetman

Co-chair of the Governing Board

Karen is one of our Co-chairs, she is currently also the Safeguarding Governor and is a member of the Finance, Premises, and Pay & Personnel Committees.

Mr Gareth Packham

Co-Vice Chair of the Governing Board

Gareth is one of our Co-Vice Chairs, he is currently also the Data Protection Governor, and is a member of the Curriculum and Pay & Personnel Committees.

Other responsibilities: PE, Sports Premium & Headteacher Performance Management

Dr David Palmer

Co-Vice Chair of the Governing Board

David is also one of our Co-Vice Chairs alongside his role as Chair of the Finance Premises, Health & Safety Committee. He is also a member of the Pay & Personnel and Curriculum Committees.

Other responsibilities: STEM, Computing & On-line Safety

Mrs Moira Kendall

Chair of the Pay & Personnel Committee

Moira is a co-opted governor and in addition to her role as Chair of the Pay & Personnel committee she is also a member of the Curriculum, Finance and Premises Committees.

Other responsibilities: Humanities & Modern Foreign Languages
Safer recruitment trained.

Mr Joel Cliffe

Joel is a co-opted Governor. He sits on the Curriculum Committee and is the Literacy Governor.

Other responsibilities: Headteacher Performance Management
Safer Recruitment trained.

Mrs Rachel Collins

Staff Governor

Rachel is currently leading the Year 6 team and is in her seventh year of teaching at HCJS.

Mr Jonny Fillis

Local Authority Governor

Jonny is our Local Authority designated Governor and sits on the Curriculum Committee.

Other responsibilties: PSHE & RSE

Mrs Marjorie Johnston

Marjorie is a Co-opted Governor. She is the SEND and Pupil Premium Governor and sits on the Curriculum Committee.

Headteacher Performance Management & Safer Recruitment trained.

Mrs Izzy McLocklin

Associate Governor

Izzy is an Associate Governor with a particular focus on SEND & Pupil Premium .She is also a member of the Curriculum Committee.

Mr David Moore

Development Governor

David has been co-opted to the board and is responsible for Governor Development. He sits on the Finance, Curriculum and Pay & Personnel Committees.

Other responsibilities: Literacy & Headteachers Performance Management.

Mr Will Perkins


Will is a Co-opted Governor and sits on the Curriculum Committee. He undertakes the role of Wellbeing Governor.

Other responsibilities: STEM, Computing & On-line Safety

Mr Andrew Thomas

Parent Governor

Andrew has been elected by our parent body.

He is the Maths Governor and sits on both the Curriculum and Finance, Health & Safety Committees.

Mrs Emma Wood

Parent Governor

Emma has been elected by our parent body. She is the Wellbeing Governor and sits on the Curriculum Committee.

Other responsibilities: Art & Music.

Mrs Sam Rogers

Clerk to the Governors

Sam has been a governance professional for 6 years and is also the Office Manager of the junior school.